Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland


19th March 2021

Dear Member, We hope you are keeping safe and with lockdown restrictions easing we can begin to organise some Society events.

On Monday 15th March we held a council meeting via video conferencing and the 2020 annual accounts were proposed and seconded, these will be printed within the annual report that will be sent to all members at the start of April.

Along with the annual report will be a newsletter in a similar format to the winter edition. At this time we are still not producing a full journal.

A date for your diary is Thursday 5th August, we will be holding our AGM in Garstang.  At the moment we are unsure as to if we will need to limit numbers attending so if you are interested in attending please register with the office.

We are also organising a judging seminar and herd visit to Michael & Angie Howie's Morwick herd on Wednesday 18th August.  As you know Michael continued as President and missed a conference so this will be a 1.5 day event based at Morwick for the first day with a visit to Richard Baynes, Marleycote on day two (19th August). Again at this moment we are unsure if we will need to limit the numbers so places will be on a first come first serve basis, please contact the office if you are interested in attending.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on 01292 471292 / 07967 810042 [email protected]

Kind Regards,

Claire Kimm, General Manager