Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Spring newsletter

24th February 2021

Dear member, we hope you and your families are keeping safe & healthy.  At the office we are busy planning for the next newsletter that will be posted to you in April, this will be similar to the winter version, so not a full journal but full of interesting information and articles.

There is spaces for half page breeder adverts at a reduced cost to the usual journal. If you are interested in taking one please contact the office at your earliest convenience to discuss the price and design options.

We are also preparing the annual report including 2020 accounts.  Due to not being able to hold a meeting we are posting the accounts to council members next week for their comments with a view to holding a sign off meeting via video conferencing. It is our intention to hold the AGM in May and are continually monitoring guidance on the measures we need to take should we be permitted to hold a face to face meeting.

The council nomination forms have been posted to those regions who are due for election for the 2021/2022 council.  I would be grateful if club secretaries / current council representatives can coordinate these nominations in a timely manner and return the original completed forms to me.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Kind Regards,

Claire Kimm

General Manager

Ayrshire Cattle Society

Westburn Business Centre

Westburn House

McNee Road, Prestwick

Ayrshire, KA9 2PB


Tel :- 01292 471292 / 07967 810042