
Troutbeck Daring

8th March 2024

The first calves are now being born from Troutbeck Daring. He is available in Ultra Plus High Purity Sexed straws and conventional straws today.There is a lot to like about him -

  • Sired by one of the best bulls in the breed- Ardmore Crown Napier.
  • His dam is one of the best cows in the UK - Troutbeck Burdette Jess EX96 (7E).
  • He is a positive for production.
  • Postive for protein % and fertility index.
  • A plus on all the majpor type traits.
  • Available today to use in your breeding program.
An early Troutbeck Daring calf who was born at Brieryside Ayrshires.
An early Troutbeck Daring calf who was born at Brieryside Ayrshires.